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Bollore Logistics launches real time monitoring solution

This new solution is based on the Internet of Things and intelligent data processing.

Bollore Logistics, one of the leading freight forwarding companies, has launched real time monitoring of shipments at the Transport Logistic exhibition in Munich on June 5.

This new solution is based on the Internet of Things and intelligent data processing. It is also equipped with a proactive alert management system to ensure the integrity of the goods being transported.

The logistics giant has introduced this solution to meet the needs of the market, which is becoming more complex in view of the number of stakeholders involved, while shippers are demanding more and more information on stock levels and the state of their critical or sensitive products.

With the help of on-board sensor, all data such as location, temperature, hygrometry, brightness and possible shocks are collected all along the supply chain, explains the company through a statement.Real Time Monitoring offers an integrated service and customizable solutions depending on the nature of the products and adapted to all transport modes whatever the industry sector or the country of origin and destination. It also includes real-time transport plans for greater efficiency and better monitoring of operations.



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