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BDO launches a new tool: The Manufacturing Resilience Review

The Manufacturing Resilience Review will help clients to assess key risks.

BDO has launched a new tool helping manufacturing businesses to better assess the key risks facing their business. Manufacturers around the world are taking stock of recent challenges and opportunities to future-proof their operations.

In Australia, manufacturing is a key part of the Federal Government’s investment strategy to help build Australia’s competitive strength, and support our economic recovery and growth over the next five years. With a raft of initiatives, grants and incentives on offer, manufacturers on the whole are well-placed to thrive. Despite the optimistic outlook, it’s clear that each business faces different risks.

Assessing your risks

You can participate in a short review which will provide you with insights from your organisation transformed into a risk matrix.  This can be shared with the business.  The review will identify key risks and help you to drive actionable outcomes in order to improve your organisation's resilience.

To begin the Resilience review, click here.

Source: BDO


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