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COVID-19 propels 2M’s RSI technology across the corporate world

Our Small Business Member 2M Language Services was swift in rolling out its 2M’s Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI) technology.

As COVID-19 hit the corporate world, our Small Business Member 2M Language Services was swift in rolling out its 2M’s Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI) technology to assist its customers in continuing to provide language support for their events.

Thanks to the RSI technology, 2M Language Services has help the global company BHP to communicate efficiently in multiple languages and globally with its workforce, client and stakeholders as well as shareholders.

As one of the world’s largest mining and resource company, BHP boast a wide portfolio of international operations across Australia, Asia and North & South America. As a global company, both communication consistency and accessibility are key.

Through BHP Virtual Townhall Meetings, BHP’s CEO, Mike Henry, along with other executives, can addresses BHP’s global workforce and answer some of the industry burning questions.

2M’s Remote Simultaneous Interpreting (RSI) platform enable the event to be supported in multiple languages with the assistance of simultaneous interpreters located remotely. The interpreters provided by 2M are part of a dedicated team of linguists for BHP, with a strong industry knowledge, relevant technical background and extensive experience translating and interpreting the company’s content for years.

The result is a virtual event, with all parties located remotely, that offers a seamless multilingual experience for greater accessibility and inclusion. The 2M RSI platform allows clients to save substantial cost associated with onsite simultaneous interpreting derived from hardware requirements, interpreter travel fees and coordination.

Source: 2M Language Services


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