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ENGIE announces Financial Close for Goorambat East Solar Farm in Victoria

ENGIE has achieved Financial Close for the Goorambat East Solar Farm project near Goorambat and Benalla in northern Victoria.

ENGIE has announced it has reached Financial Close for the Goorambat East Solar Farm project, near the regional towns of Goorambat and Benalla in northern Victoria.

ENGIE Australia’s Managing Director of Renewables, Ms Laura Caspari, said landholder agreements had been signed with five local Goorambat families and early construction works had begun. Engineering, procurement, and construction contractors Bouygues Construction Australia and Equans Solar & Storage, along with connection works provider AusNet, have now been given Notice to Proceed with full construction, which is expected to commence over the coming months.

“ENGIE reaching financial close on the Goorambat East Solar Farm is a major step in progressing our renewable energy development pipeline and reflects (...) our commitment to delivering 3 GW of renewable energy in Australia by 2030.

“Construction and commissioning of the 250 MW solar farm is expected to be finished in 2026. Once completed, at its maximum capacity, the solar farm could generate enough electricity to power the equivalent of 105,000 average Victorian homes, helping to bolster energy security in the state.

“The continued development of the Goorambat East Solar Farm is another positive sign for the renewable energy industry in Victoria, as well as Australia’s response to managing the worst impacts of climate change.

“The solar farm will make the most of an excellent solar resource and existing transmission infrastructure, and the project’s footprint has been optimised to incorporate expert advice, community input and guidance from authorities captured over years of best-practice engagement.“

“This project represents a significant new private investment into regional Victoria and will create approximately 250 new jobs during the construction phase and a community benefit fund designed to deliver long-term benefits to Goorambat and surrounding communities.“

"ENGIE has previously announced a commitment to a community benefit fund of $75,000 per year for the life of the project, as well as up to $1,000 in annual electricity rebates offered to eligible near neighbours of the project once it starts to generate electricity; both of which underline our commitment to make a positive impact for the people of Goorambat and the Benalla region.”

More information regarding this electricity rebate can be found at

The Goorambat East Solar Farm is located about 500 meters east of the town of Goorambat and 12km north of Benalla in Victoria, in between the regional centres of Shepparton and Wangaratta. The solar farm will connect to a newly built Goorambat East Terminal Station, to be located alongside the existing single circuit 220kV transmission line route between Shepparton Terminal Station and Dederang Terminal Station and to be operated and maintained by AusNet, pursuant to connection agreements reached with the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO).

Source : ENGIE 


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