BRISBANE Companies news

Hennsol has developed a solution to reduce the spreading of COVID-19

Hennsol has developed two emergency solutions enabling to monitor skin temperature in order to keep businesses open as long as possible.

According to WHO the incubation period is between one and fourteen days. We all know that Covid-19 or Coronavirus is highly contagious and now is the time for all organisations to take a proactive approach and consider monitoring as part of their containment procedures to minimise the spread of Covid-19.

We are all aware of the exponential spread and fatalities of Covid-19 across the rest of the world since it’s the outbreak in China.

Have we learnt from China experience and the proactive containment procedures put in place by Singapore, Thailand and other countries?

The data released by the Australian Health Protection Principal Committee on 19 March 2020 and the Singaporean numbers prove by implementing strong protective measures it is possible to reduce and contain the spread rate of the virus while trying to keep the economy going.

The Singaporean government have implemented a mandatory scanning policy for organisations to measure staffs’ temperature twice a day. Employees with a fever are instructed to get a secondary test done and to self-isolate per WHO’s guidelines while waiting for the results of the test.

One of the simplest methods to identify the signs of infection is through temperature IR spot measuring. With airports and international borders implementing high value emergency scanning technology as global infections skyrocket, it’s essential for logistics workplaces, hospitals and aged care facilities to do the same (especially those with large, critical-duty workforces) with this cost-effective Infra-Red Spot Sensing solution.

The engineering teams at ServersCheck and HENNSOL Technologies have worked together to rapidly develop the solution from using their simple, modular, open, proven InfraSensing hardware platform. It’s an alternative emergency technology that’s designed to help with the containment of the Covid-19 virus.

The InfraSensing technology is not a medical-grade solution and neither should it be used to replace any such a solution. It’s intended use is as a cost-effective emergency tool for workplaces to quickly and effectively scan large numbers of staff (complementing medical grade equipment), and as such to assist employers in exercising their duty of care in relation to the health and safety of their staff in this respect by pro-actively initiating the self-isolation of staff pending formal medical testing and clearance.



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