Event report
Keeping Culture and Communication alive in a new, disconnected business world
The French-Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry was delighted to welcome you to its event about our new communication tools and processes.
The French-Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry was delighted to welcome many of you to hear from our panel discussing the evolution of internal communications and stakeholder’s engagement in a COVID and post-COVID world.
As more businesses face the challenges of managing remote teams and executives can no longer rely on meet-and-greets to connect with their people or team events for bonding, internal corporate communications have never been more vital. So how do you maintain a connected workforce when our new environment is keeping us apart?
For so long a much-overlooked part of business management, internal stakeholder engagement now sits very firmly in the C-Suite and is changing the way many businesses are communicating. Internal communications is now pivotal to business success, helping shape strategic direction like never before.
If you have missed the event here are a few take-away points:
- Internal communications have never been more important to maintain key stakeholder relations – ignore it at your peril!
- Internal communications will never be the same again – we have learnt new ways to connect and many of these new practices are present to stay so get familiar with them sooner rather than later.
- Technology has replaced the water cooler chat – new tools allow even the most intimate of conversations to still exist.
- Forced changes have led to successful innovation that have breathed new life into many organisations.
- C Suite and management have never been more connected to their teams with digital forcing them to become more personal and empathetic than they have ever been before.
- Digital communications are forcing management to have a more heightened EI than ever before.
Many thanks to our 3 speakers, Pascale Toussat from ANL (CMA-CGM), Natanael Bloch from Optometry Australia and Jean-Francois Roiron from Vittoria.tech for their instructive presentations and precious insights, as well as Yasmine Gray from Red Havas for facilitating an engaging discussion.