ADELAIDE Interview

Meet FACCI's SA President: Julia Dreosti

Discover the portrait of Julia Dreosti, President of FACCI SA Chapter, in this exclusive interview.

The French-Australian Chamber of Commerce is pleased to introduce you to our SA Chapter president. Discover the exclusive interview of Julia Dreosti, in which she describes her role and experience.


What is your career background?

"I am a lawyer specialising in commercial dispute resolution across industry sectors, and in particular on major infrastructure projects and cross-border transactions. I have been with Lipman Karas, a specialist disputes law firm, since 2014. Prior to that time, I worked for global firms in Sydney, Singapore and Paris."


When did you join FACCI?

"I first joined FACCI back in 2005."


What was/were the reasons/motivations for which you wanted to get involved?

"I have been passionate about France and all things French for as long as I can remember, and have had a couple of stints living in France. I also hold a Masters in French Law and European Community Law from Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne. FACCI gave me an opportunity to combine both my cultural and professional interests in France and help to further increase the links between the Australian and French business community."


What are your role and mission at FACCI? 

"As President, my role is to continue to build on the exponential growth of FACCI in South Australia in recent years. Our mission is to be the go-to organisation for French-Australian business interests as well as the broader SA business community, and to be the conduit for our members for commercial and government connections and opportunities."


What is for you, the key for success?

"The key to success for me is to remain curious and open to new ideas and opportunities, and to let team-members at every level drive and own initiatives that they are passionate about."


What (project/event/meeting/feedback…) are you the most proud of or are you looking forward to achieve?

"The events that the SA Chapter has run recently around innovation on topics such as Industry 4.0, the Future of Mobility, and Innovation Culture have been excellent in showcasing the depth and expertise of our members, the local talent and opportunities that we have here in South Australia, and our capacity as a chamber to be innovative in the presentation and delivery of our events. I’m especially proud of the dynamism, energy and teamwork demonstrated by several highly skilled members of our FACCI Council and State Chapter Co-ordinator who worked so hard and well together to roll out these events."


What is the most challenging/biggest challenge for you?

"There are only so many hours in a day, and so our biggest challenge is choosing from all the great ideas for events and member initiatives that we have collectively for FACCI SA."


What is the main upcoming project/event in your state?

"Our next big event is the “Raise your glass to conviviality”, which was the brainchild of our State Chapter Co-ordinator, Catherine Lethbridge, and one of our councillors, Nathalie Taquet. It has been so popular that it is now going national. It’s an excellent example of how good wine and a good online format can create great networking opportunities for our members and the wider business community, even in the current virtual environment."


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