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New Caledonia reopens its borders to fully-vaccinated travellers
New Caledonia officially starts to welcome all fully vaccinated travellers.
With an improved COVID situation and a good vaccination rate, the Government of New Caledonia has decided to reopen its borders to all fully vaccinated travellers after nearly two years.
Fully vaccinated travellers from Australia will have to undertake a PCR test 72 hours before flying, or a Rapid Antigen Test 48 hours before flying, and receive a negative result. No more seven-day self-isolation at home or at the hotel on arrival for Australian vaccinated travellers will be required.
This great news will not only give a kick to the tourism industry and benefit to companies like Chateau Royal, Aircalin and New Caledonia Tourism, but will also simplify trade and operations for many businesses such as Néodyme, AquaGas, KeyPoint Law, Pacific Poeple Solutions.
Sources: Aircalin and New Caledonia Tourism