Communication - Press  •  Job & Training

New E.F.E. International scheme initiative

Thanks to EFE International, French entrepreneurs will be able to recruit Volontariat International en Entreprise (V.I.E).

The health crisis has highlighted the many difficulties encountered by French entrepreneurs abroad who do not benefit from any assistance in their countries of establishment and are not eligible for support measures from the French State.

For several months now, both CCI France International and les Conseillers du Commerce Extérieur have been raising awareness among the French public authorities and members of parliament about the situation of French entrepreneurs abroad (EFEs) and the positive impact of many of them on economic activity in France.

Launch of the EFE International structure: a link between EFEs and France

It is in this spirit that the French Foreign Trade Advisors and CCI France International have decided to join forces in order to support EFEs as effectively as possible by creating a new structure: EFE International.

Main missions

  • To develop France's foreign trade
  • To provide services to French entrepreneurs abroad
  • Strengthen the link of French Entrepreneurs Abroad with France

Recruiting talent

Thanks to EFE International, EFEs will also have access to the Volontariat International en Entreprise (V.I.E).

The support offered by EFE International :

  • Assistance in the selection of the V.I.E
  • Preparation of the application
  • Administrative support and follow-up
  • Salary management
  • Reporting
  • Legal support in liaison with Business France

The portage of International Corporate Volunteers will be considered for 65 target countries, to begin with, and for EFEs contributing to foreign trade and the influence of France abroad (promotion of France and French know-how, recommendation, representation, importation, distribution of French products or services).


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Source: Forum EFE


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