Event report
QLD | 2021 Annual General Meeting and Wine & Cheese Degustation @McCullough Roberston
Thank you to all the participants who attended our 2021 Annual General Meeting to hear our Queensland Chapter 2020 activities and financial reports.
Special thanks to our guest of honour, H.E. Jean-Pierre Thébault, Ambassador of France to Australia, who highlighted the great trade relations between France and Australia and presented his main focus over the next few years.
Another special thanks to John Kettle, Partner & Head of International at McCullough Robertson, and our host for the night.
Finally, congratulations to our incoming Councillors Michael Carreiras, Managing Director of Op2 Consulting and Laurent Chaveron, Head of Marketing at Santos GLNG (Joint venture with Total) who are joining our remaining team:
- Lady Jane Edwards (Honorary Consul of France),
- Brian Lorigan (President),
- Julie Miehe (Secretary – Keypoint Law),
- Yann Pastor (Vice President - Deloitte),
- Alain Etchegaray (Treasurer - Pacific People Solutions)
- Steve Burton (Holding Redlich),
- Gregory Delannoy (Airbus Pacific Australia)
- Celine Eason,
- Christopher Edwards (Thales),
- John Kettle (McCullough Robertson),
- Julie Maitre (PwC),
- Jean-François Tixeront,
- John Walsh (Spiecapag/Vinci Group).
Farewell and best wishes to our outgoing Councillors: Campbell Morrison (EY), Derek Brown (Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade) and Jerome Delangle (Starlight Children's Foundation Australia) who served on our Council in 2020.