Companies news

QLD | A Year of Classical Masterworks

Queensland Symphony Orchestra has released its program for the 2020 concert season.

Classical music is called ‘classic’ for a reason. Queensland Symphony Orchestra’s 2020 concert season includes melodies that can still send a shiver down an audience’s spine more than 200 years after they were first heard. It includes musicians who have spent hours honing the perfection of their craft to perform it. The only thing missing is your ears, to enjoy the glorious sounds that they’re going to produce. Various series are now available.

The Maestro Series

The Maestro series features orchestral classics, exciting new compositions, and some rare jewels too - all performed live by great conductors, dazzling soloists and, of course, the talented musicians of Queensland Symphony Orchestra.

Special Events

Each year they offer some extra special concerts throughout the year – concerts that offer a unique experience.

Currently, these concerts are only available as part of a subscription package – where you can enjoy the best seats, receive ticket discounts and enjoy other subscriber benefits.



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