Event report

QLD - Hybrid | Technology in Agribusiness, the key to a thriving future

Our Queensland Chapter was delighted to host the first event of its New Tech Series, dedicated to Technology in Agriculture (or AgTech).

On this conference, we had the pleasure to welcome 50 guests in person and over 20 online from NSW, ACT, Victoria, South Australia and New Zealand! This event was the first one done in hybrid format, and we are glad to say it went without a hitch.

A special thanks to our speakers Cyril Delorme, National Project Manager at COREMATIC, Braden Hellmuth, Head of Engineering - Automation &Technology at Greensill Farming, and Bruce McConnel, General Manager of TSBE Food Leaders Australia, for providing their valuable expertise and insights on the matter. Another special thanks to our co-facilitators, Jean-Francois Tixeront, leader of our Queensland New Technologies subcommittee, and John Kettle, Partner & Head of International at McCullough Robertson, who were instrumental in putting this event together.

Thank you again to our sponsors McCullough Robertson and COREMATIC.


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