Event report Energies renouvelables - Développement durable - Environnement

QLD | Upcoming Projects in PNG: Delivering Stakeholder Value @ Corrs Chambers Westgarth

FACCI QLD Chapter's second Energy & Resources event was dedicated to Upcoming Projects in PNG and how to deliver stakeholder value in this geographical area.

We were delighted to welcome a full house at the premises of our Corporate member Corrs Chambers Westgarth for the second event of our “Energy & Resources Industry Series".

Many thanks to our keynote speaker, Ian Black - AGX Project Director at Oil Search Limited, and to our panelists, Bryan Bailie - Executive General Manager Projects at Wafi-Golpu Joint Venture, Peter Cox - Vice President Pipelines & Terminals at Worley, and John Walsh - Managing Director at Spiecapag Australia, for an engaging discussion on Upcoming Projects in PNG and how to deliver stakeholder value.

We were glad to assist to a particularly interactive discussion between the attendees, who submitted their questions during the entire session, and our panelists.

Thank you to our corporate member, Corrs Chambers Westgarth, for hosting this event and providing a delightful breakfast, as well as to Spiecapag and Worley, for supporting this event.


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