Companies news

Sanofi provides support to flood affected communities

Sanofi pledge $150,000 relief package for flood impacted communities.

Sanofi, a global healthcare company, has pledged to deliver a support package worth $150,000AUD to help address immediate and longer term needs of people impacted by flood in Australia.

The support package contributes: 

  • A $100,000 donation to the Australian Red Cross’ QLD and NSW Floods Appeal to provide urgent relief and ongoing outreach for impacted communities.
  • A $50,000 donation to BizRebuild. A business-led initiative developed by the Business Council of Australia which will provide grants to local businesses to help them get back on their feet, quickly.
  • Sanofi Australia’s five-day volunteering program for employee’s supporting clean-up efforts.

Karen Hood, Country Lead Australia and New Zealand comments: 

"Our thoughts are with everyone impacted by flood in Queensland and New South Wales, and we’re grateful our people are safe. As a healthcare leader and member of Australia’s business community it is our responsibility to provide needed support to help our communities find solid ground. Our relief package is designed to help address immediate and longer-term needs"

Source: Sanofi


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