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SUEZ reduces costs by diverting waste away from landfill

An increase in South Australia's waste levy by the EPA in January 2020 may increase General Waste landfill rates.

The South Australian Government will increase its solid waste levy from $110 to $140 per tonne effective 1st January 2020. Hence, this will result an increase in your General Waste (wet landfill) rates from 1st January 2020. SUEZ can help you reduce and potentially avoid the increased costs through its recycling and recovery solutions.

How can SUEZ help with the increased levy?

By separating General Waste collection services into two different categories:  

  • Wet General Waste to Landfill for all types of general waste including putrescible and the likes of continence pads. This waste is disposed of at landfill with no recycling or reuse.
  • Dry Waste to SUEZ-ResourceCo for all types of general waste excluding putrescible, liquids and the likes of continence pads. This waste is taken to SUEZ-ResourceCo Alternative Fuels facility.

Through increased waste diversion, you will reduce waste to landfill and thus avoid the increased disposal rates.

How does SUEZ divert general waste from landfill?

SUEZ – ResourceCo is a joint venture between SUEZ and ResourceCo. The SUEZ-ResourceCo facility in Wingfield, Adelaide was the first Alternative Fuels production facility to operate in Australia. The facility transforms waste into Processed Engineered Fuel (PEF) as a substitute for coal and gas in high combustion facilities. Business can be guaranteed that waste is diverted from landfill, in turn reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions, notably methane, which contributes significantly to global warming.

The essential key to waste diversion is segregating waste at its source. 

Source: SUEZ


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