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TechnipFMC and DNV GL sign a partnership

TechnipFMC and DNV GL sign a partnership to set the benchmark for trust in oil and gas industry’s digital twins.

A partnership has been developed between TechnipFMC and DNV GL. They will develop together with the oil and gas industry’s first methodology for qualifying the integrity of digital twin technology. 

Their purpose is to bring a level playing field to the sector’s varying technical definitions of, and expectations towards digital twins. It will set a benchmark for oil and gas operators, supply chain partners and regulators to establish trust in digital twin-generated data for performance and safety decision-making in projects and operations.

Technology is more and more used by oil and gas companies. They bring asset of information from multiple sources together in a single and secure place and connecting 3D models with real-time field data during operation phase.

“Digital twin technology results in quicker, better asset design, improved project delivery efficiency, and operation safety and performance during the whole asset life. As more digital twins enter the oil and gas sector, it is key for Operators to know that their twin works as planned, and that its output is reliable. Our collaboration with DNV GL aims to address this,” said Julie Cranga, Vice President, Subsea Digital, TechnipFMC.  

The digital twin technology qualification methodology will be delivered by TechnipFMC starting in early 2020. It is expected to be published as a recommended practice during the second half of next year.



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