MELBOURNE Event report

VIC | Cafe Croissant Catch Up Special Energy

FACCI VIC Chapter was delighted to have you for its first Industry Series Café Croissant Catch Up Special Energy!

The French-Australian Chamber of Commerce Victoria Chapter was delighted to have its first Industry Series Café Croissant Catch Up Special Energy!

Dominique GiraudFACCI VIC Councillor and Emerging Markets Manager of Omexom (VINCI Energies), moderated the Webinar and gave us some insightful advice thanks to his energy expertise. 

It has been an exciting opportunity for representants of Victoria Government, Independent Power Producers, developers, network operators, retailers, suppliers, financiers, consultants and contractors to share their views on the energy market.

Then, our guests had the opportunity to exchange and share their thoughts and advice on the current situation with a round table.

These virtual coffee catch-ups are the perfect opportunity to share best practices and keep in touch with the business community in this unprecedented period.

Thank you all for attending. Hope you will join us next time!


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