Event report

WA | Presentation Session - Giving Visibility to our Members

FACCI WA Chapter has organised a special event to give the opportunity to its members to showcase their capability.

The FACCI WA was pleased to give the opportunity to its members to showcase their capability via a Business seminar on the 8th of May. This special event included this time: Chess Engineering, Chateau de Gudanes, Focus Cyber Group & Perdaman Global Services whom all had 20mn to present their services and expertise to our audience.


Mrs. Christine Caseris - President of FACCI WA MC’d the event and explained how important it is for our FACCI Members to be given visibility to the large public. Christine also acknowledged our sponsor of the night Ernst & Young, which has been a strong supporter of our FACCI for the past 7 years.  


Our first speakers were Mrs. Reena Boyer, registered migration agent and Mrs. Priscilla Kollannur, marketing coordinator at Perdaman Global Services. This Visa & Migration and HR Company based in Perth has more than 15 years of experience in the sector. It offers many services such as Migration, Visa, translation, recruitment…


Then, Mr. John Morris, Business Development Manager presented Chess Engineering. Chess Engineering is firmly established as a reliable steel fabricator, manufacturing to Australian standards of quality and safety. They conceptualise, design, fabricate and install all metals including mild steel, bisalloy, stainless, aluminium, titanium, etc.


Focus Cyber Group represented by Mr. Thomas Jreige - Director of the company, and Mrs. Kristen Rayson - Business Development Manager. Focus Cyber Group’s purpose is to help organisations secure their information and systems to provide peace of mind to management, staff and customers. By discussing the issues and threats individuals and companies can meet through the cyber security, Thomas and Kristen were able to answer to the audience’s various questions.


Last but not least, the marvelous Chateau de Gudanes, presented by Mrs. Jasmine Waters. Situated in the Pyrenees, on the border of France and Spain, this chateau is a social media star in her own right; it has an Instagram and makes frequent appearances in magazines like Harper's Bazaar and Vogue. Full of impressive and colourful pictures, her presentation followed each step of the renovation: from the search to the right property to the renovation, until today. The chateau is now living again thanks to the Waters family.


The event continued and ended with a casual Wine & Cheese tasting. Attendees had the opportunity to network and discuss, as well as meet and greet our guest speakers.


Thank you to our Patron Member and partner Ernst & Young for hosting and supporting our events.


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