New members
Welcome to our new Corporate Member: CYLAD Consulting
CYLAD Consulting is a strategy and management consulting firm serving leading industrial companies to develop their business, improve performance and increase agility.
Founded 12 years ago, CYLAD is an independent consulting firm which has experienced significant growth internationally over the past few years. CYLAD has 10 partners and 80 collaborators across 6 offices around the world, including Paris and Toulouse in France, Hamburg in Germany, Baar-Zug in Switzerland, and recently Melbourne in Australia and Montreal in Canada.
CYLAD advises both major industrial enterprises and SMEs in assembly industries (Aerospace & Defense, Automotive), process industries (Pharma & Healthcare, Basic Materials) and services (IT & Technology). A client-base that engages with the company on a regular basis is a clear sign that CYLAD delivers sustainable impacts on clients performance.
Projects make use of CYLAD expertise, structured across 6 Services lines - Growth Strategy, Business & Digital Transformation, Project & Portfolio Management (PPM), Cost & Cash Competitiveness, Product Development and Supply-Chain & Procurement. In addition CYLAD Data Science team offers a new range of problem-solving capabilities, already delivering unique benefits across the Service lines.
We welcome CYLAD Consulting as our new Corporate member and wish them success in their Australian adventures!
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Twitter: @CYLADconsulting