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Welcome to our new Start Up Member: Capacita
Capacita is a workplace integrity advisory and consultancy firm.
Capacita's mission is to provide pragmatic workplace relations and compliance solutions to clients in the energy, construction, infrastructure, and health care sectors. Helping clients solve difficult problems with dependable results is their core mission; their approach is based on the view that the integrity of the process is critical.
With a focus on constructive solutions to workplace risks, Capacita aims to reduce the adversarial barrier that exists between employers, workers, and their representatives, as such challenges can be highly detrimental to businesses.
A deep understanding of the issues affecting workplaces and the legal frameworks governing them gives the team the objectivity required to "get the response right the first time."
Capacita can provide their clients with the following services:
- Workplace and OHS law compliance - Providing legal compliance advice and services, including enterprise agreements, Modern Awards, and applicable workplace safety legislation.
- Employment and industrial relations advice and support - Supporting the needs of your business and commercial objectives while ensuring workplace harmony.
- Conflict management and resolution - Decisive and proactive conflict management and resolution, assisting workplace participants in resolving issues and moving forward efficiently and productively.
- Risk management - Engaging with employees and other stakeholders to plan for and manage risks ahead of time helps avoid costly crisis scenarios.
- Stakeholder management - Strategy development and support enabling clients to establish meaningful and successful stakeholder engagements.
- Compliance training - Assisting businesses in developing and understanding compliance programs to ensure the workplace has managed regulatory risks.
- Workforce engagement planning and support - Harnessing the potential of workplaces through strategic guidance and practical solutions.
Their deep capability can support in all areas of the workplace, including safety, industrial relations, employment law, training, dispute resolution, and mediation. That broad expertise enables them to provide comprehensive resolutions to workplace issues and effectively manage stakeholder expectations and relationships.
Scott Riches is the Director of Capacita. He is an expert in leadership coaching, enterprise bargaining, dispute resolution, and workplace compliance, and he is passionate about workplace integrity. He affirms:
"Australian workplaces have an opportunity to capitalize on the common interests that employers and employees share in establishing an open and harmonious workplace culture, and we aim to enable their capacity to do just that.”
Website: Capacita