MELBOURNE New members
Welcome to our new Wine and Dine member: Canelé Alain
Canelé Alain is specialised in the production of the genuine French pastry called canelé.
Founded by Vincent Uso, Canelé Alain makes Premium canelé, baked in the purest French tradition.
A canelé is a rhum and vanilla infused pastry originally from Bordeaux, with a soft and tender custard center enclosed by a thin caramelised shell.
Canelé Alain is the result of the best Bordeaux canelé tradition, using an authentic recipe inherited from Vincent's pastry uncle, a member of the brotherhood du canelé from Bordeaux. It is in tribute to his uncle Alain, that Vincent named his company "Canelé Alain".
Each canelé is cooked with passion in its handcrafted copper mould, giving it its caramelized flavour.
Website: Canelé Alain