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Bolloré Logistics Australia at the Land Forces Exposition

This international land defence exposition showcased equipment, technology and services for Australian and the Indo-Asia-Pacific region armies.

Bolloré Logistics Australia participated to the Land Forces Exposition, taking place from the 1st to the 3rd of June 2021 gathering many leading companies in the defence industry.

The 3-day event was built around the themes of:

  • Industry capability
  • Innovation and technology
  • Civil defence

Participants had the opportunity to showcase the importance of industry engagement on the way to business recovery. Bolloré Logistics Australia has utilized its time at the convention to put forward the company’s capabilities in the region, thereby gaining some crucial experience from some important minds in the defence industry.

“Bolloré Logistics has a great story to tell on how we have provided value to the Department of Defence, defence prime contractors and associated companies that are also involved with various other verticals within Australia. We enjoyed engaging and networking with our industry peers at the event.”

Benjamin Miles, National Commercial Manager Defence.

Source: Bolloré Logistics Australia


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