MELBOURNE Event report
VIC | SME Eureka Program #3
Our Victorian Chapter had the pleasure of welcoming SMEs to the third edition of the SME Eureka Program.
The French-Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry Victoria had the pleasure of hosting the third edition of the SME Eureka Program during lunch time on the 2nd of March. Our guests shared a meal and discussed their latest challenges.
Each SME received great feedback and advice from the other guests around the table:
- Cedric Hemmert, Hoptech
- Francois de Meneval, Astrolabe Holdings
- Jose Hernandez, Precision Electronic Technologies
- Malcolm and Lincoln Rigby, Icarus Learning
- Lulu Siret, RenaisSense
- Chrystelle Soto Gutierrez, Alain Canelé
- Robyn Vogels, Personnel Relocations
- Pascale Toussat (Moderator), HR a la Carte
We would like to thank all our attendees and we can't wait to host the fourth edition of the SME Eureka Program!