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Air France speeds up its environmental transition

Air France is taking action to promote more sustainable air transport through five main levers.

Air France is committed to reducing its CO₂ emissions as quickly as possible to reach its objective of a 30% reduction in emissions per passenger and per km by 2030 compared with 2019.

To achieve this, Air France relies on its main levers: a more modern fleet, more sustainable aviation fuel, eco-piloting, combining air and rail travel and improving the environmental footprint of in-flight catering.

A more modern fleet

Air France is renewing its fleet with Airbus A220 and A350 aircraft. These new-generation aircraft are lighter, quieter, and generate 20% and 25% less CO₂ emissions than the aircraft they replace. 45% of Air France's fleet will be renewed by 2025 and 70% by 2030.

More sustainable aviation fuel

Derived from non-fossil sources (used oil, agricultural waste...), the SAF that Air France purchases emit at least 75% less CO₂ than conventional fuels over their entire life cycle. In 2023, Air France is planning to incorporate 40 000 tons of SAF, or 1% of its total fuel consumption, and is aiming for at least 10% incorporation by 2030.


Eco-piloting, or eco-responsible piloting, enables an immediate reduction in aircraft fuel consumption on the ground and in flight. The various initiatives deliver an average saving of 4 to 5% in fuel consumption, and therefore CO₂ emissions.

Combining air and rail travel

Where possible, Air France's offers its customers the option of combining different modes of transport. Called "Train + Air", this offer in partnership with the SNCF is used every year by more than 160,000 customers to and from Paris-Charles de Gaulle and Paris-Orly airports.

Replacing single-use plastics

In addition to its actions to reduce its CO₂ emissions, Air France is working to eliminate single-use plastics. Between 2018 and 2023, Air France has replaced 90% of single-use plastic items on board, or 316 million items. 

Source: Air France Act

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