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ENGIE helps L’Oréal achieve sustainability goals

L’Oréal Australia will be powered by 100 % renewable electricity under a long-term energy supply agreement with ENGIE ANZ.

L’Oréal Australia will be powered by 100 % renewable electricity under a long-term energy supply agreement with ENGIE Australia & New Zealand.

The five-year deal is part of L’Oréal’s global Sharing Beauty with All sustainability program, which commits the company to reduce its environmental footprint, through changes such as using renewable energy.

As at 2018, the L’Oréal Group had reduced the Greenhouse gas emissions of its plants and distribution centres by 77% across the world in absolute terms, compared with 2005, exceeding a 60% goal it had committed to achieve by 2020.

Effie Gorringe, Director of Operations L’Oréal ANZ, said:

“Addressing climate change is an urgent priority and as a large Australian business, we know we play a role in making positive changes to reduce our environmental footprint. The move to renewable energy for all of our Australian sites was a 2020 target for us and we’re pleased to achieve this through our partnership with ENGIE before we head into the new decade. There is still more to be done and being a responsible company is our key priority. We are inspired to make change and will continue to work on sustainability initiatives across our entire business.”

ENGIE ANZ Chief Executive Officer Augustin Honorat said the L’Oréal partnership was another example of ENGIE “helping our customers in their transition to zerocarbon." 

“More businesses are seeking affordable green energy and we are proud to be working with L’Oréal to help them achieve their goals through an innovative, longterm power supply agreement.”

L’Oréal’s Australian renewable energy targets will be met by a combination of green energy supplied through ENGIE’s Willogoleche Wind Farm and the purchase of renewable certificates.

Source : ENGIE Media Release


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