Event report

VIDEO CONFERENCE | E&R Series: Disruption in the Energy Sector

Thank you for joining our Industry Series webinar on Disruption in the Energy Sector!

The French-Australian Chamber of Commerce & Industry was more than happy to organise this Industry Series webinar : Disruption in the Energy Sector!

We are very grateful to our wonderful sponsor ENGIE, and to our partners Engineers Australia and the Smart Energy Council for partnering with us to create this webinar!

First Dominique Giraud, our FACCI VIC Energy Councillor and Emerging Markets Manager of VINCI Energies, introduced the webinar and our moderator John Grimes, CEO of the Smart Energy Council.

Thank you to John, our amazing moderator, who run a smooth presentation and an interactive question-answer session between our 5 speakers from various backgrounds.

Thank you to our speakers, for their expertise on the topic. We had the chance to listen to:  

Thank you to our attendees, who were more than 115 to join the webinar. We sincerely hope to have you again next time!


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