Event report

WA - Hybrid | Can Australia become the world's new rare earths powerhouse?

FACCI and their event sponsor GHD were delighted to present the Rare Earths capabilities of Western Australia and beyond!

The  French-Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry  along with event partner GHD, represented by Sheldon Krahe, and moderator Christian Barbier, Founder and Director, CRB Resources, were delighted to welcome you to the Can Australia become the world’s new rare earths powerhouse? event at GHD Office in Perth on the 27th of May 2021.

This exclusive event was a great way to demonstrate the Western Australian Rare Earths potential presented by Chris Clark, Deputy Director General, Resources & Project Facilitation, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation but also how Rare Earths refining processes could be established in Western Australia while keeping production costs globally competitive as brilliantly presented by Amanda Lacaze, CEO of LYNAS CORPORATION.  

The event was again the opportunity to showcase what France has to bring to this sector with a reputable and established Rare Earths chain of transformation in France (presented by Fernando Alves, Head of Industry Department, French Embassy Trade) and CARESTER, start up company assisting worldwide Rare Earths companies to control their industrial transformation processes (by Frederic Carencotte, Chief Executive Officer, CARESTER).

We wish to thank GHD and their team for sponsoring this event and hope our VIP guests enjoyed these exclusive presentations as much as we did.

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