New members Energies renouvelables - Développement durable - Environnement

Welcome to our new Start-Up Member: Space Down Under

Space Down Under improves street tree health and support urban cooling.

Space Down Under focuses on developing, improving and delivering sustainable stormwater harvesting solutions to support healthy urban forests. They seek to nurture street trees and other plants to reconnect communities with nature in urban settings for all the health and wellbeing benefits it delivers.

They provide solutions that can be applied at the urban street scale, where they are of most benefit and value to communities. Their products deliver fit-for-purpose stormwater management solutions to sustain urban trees to help to improve air and water quality, enhance physical and mental wellbeing, reduce energy consumption, mitigate heat island, and reduce carbon emissions.

Space Down Under supports the building of greener, more liveable cities for healthier communities.

Website: Space Down Under


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